Sunday, August 23, 2009

The House of The Lord

While I was waiting for the dedication of the Oquirrh Mountain Temple, some thoughts came to me of the First Temple dedication that I attended. A little over 9 years ago I witnessed the dedication of the Palmyra Temple, at that time I was only a youth I did not know the lasting impact that it would have on me. Now as I think about it I did not know that while I was there listening to President Hinckley dedicate the sacred building, and that one day I would take out my own endowments there and then be sealed to my spouse for all eternity within that Temple.

As I though about those memories I became extremely grateful for the example that I have had from my parents and grandparents. I can remember being taken out of school with my siblings Jennifer, Elisabeth, and Adam to watch angel Moroni be placed on top of the Temple. I remember my father during the open house showing us the mirrors in the sealing room and explaining to each of us the meaning of being together forever. I can remember on the day of the dedication my father taking us to the Stake Center early so that we could prepare for the special occasion that was going to be happening. As I thought about these memories, I realized something that I have never realized before, but the importance of being an example.

I then thought of the example that Christ set for me, and where I stood in following His example. I thought about how the Temple helps us with that, teaching us the characteristics of Godliness. It was then that I became extremely grateful for the righteous examples that I have all around me.

"The temple is a house of God, a place of love and beauty..." I love The House of The Lord, and the special spirit that is there that brings peace into my life. I encourage everyone to make special time in which you can go there and feel that same spirit. For the Temple is not just for the endowed Latter-Day Saint, but for everyone. President Hunter stated " In the Lord's own words he has made the Temple the center of every LDS home." Great blessings will attend us as we serve in the house of the Lord, and maybe the greatest blessing we will see in our lives will be the example that we set for our children and future generations.

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